Monday 1 July 2013

kettle bells and the kinetic chain

I found this interesting clip on the tube

they talk about using the kinetic chain in a wave and a rotational twist and of course the breath to finish the power,which is exactly of the exercises ive found most beneficial for learning the wave part of the punch or strike or throw is the kettle bell swing. very basic,but when you add a few basic rules,it can change the game and benefit you much more.I like to use restricted breath swings,this means you can only once each time you swing the kettlebell,the breath is also used along with the kinetic chain through the hips,to send the energy into the bell at once with the breath,its this kinetic energy that sends the kettlebell up to the crest of the swing,you relax your body completely(apart from holding your core) and let it swing back between your legs,as it swing forward again only exhaling the breath and driving the kineic chain through the hips and into the weight in one short movement.heres an older clip of me doing some swings,anyone asking for a straight back will notice i have a curve in mine,that is hereditary,but if you can you should keep a straight back and look foward.this is superb for learning the kinetic chain

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