Since I started punching I been studying and loved Bruce lee,who hasn't,and this is the way I've always seen him,gifted with speed but trained like no other for technique,obsessive training will bring another level. but nobodies super human and if there hitting harder than anyone else then threes a reason. Their doing something slightly different bio mechanically,this brings me to the first clip of Bruce on the heavy bag this clip that confirmed my thoughts, it shows students (Ted Wong training on the bag) Ted is using an unsupported classic boxing punch like swinging a hammer.but Bruce is using a kinetic punch driving in like a jack hammer,you can see how the drive/bend into the bag is deeper when Bruce hits,this sort of drive you only get with a kinetic punch hes also using a deep snapping shockwave on the end, Bruces punch is a sort of mix of western boxing and karate.
This brings me to my clip here explaining the difference in a supported kinetic punch and an unsupported (boxing style) punch. The kinetic punch is a significant step up in power.
this clip shows you how to test your style to see what type of punch you throw.Do you hit like a hammer or Jack hammer,by the way its impossible to hit like a jackhammer in modern boxing gloves
For power punching DVDS Cilck here
Hers Bas Rutten throwing a very nice unsupported punch,notice how the elbow is much lower on the hooks
unsupported bare knuckle or boxing punch

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