Wednesday 1 August 2012

How to punch 30% harder than a boxer

Here's a clip of Bas Rutten an excellent striker in his own right,hes one of the best ive seen for spot on bio mechanics, hes testing the difference in power between the boxing gloves mma gloves and bare knuckle
Through my research I've realised that the fixed thumb in boxing gloves, seriously restricts your power because the thumb position stops you hitting with the two knuckles,in fact id go so far as to say its impossible to land with two knuckles in modern boxing gloves,if you take your glove off and put your thumb in the same position and try landing two knuckles, you'll notice the end of the thumb hits first,this encourages you to strike with the outside of the knuckle,so if you carry this style learnt in fixed thumb gloves to MMA gloves,you end up hitting with the middle knuckle and the outside of the fist,look closely at the slow motion hes hitting with the middle and outside knuckles. with the thumb properly tucked in MMA gloves this allows you to hit stabbing in with the inside of the middle knuckle(two knuckles) at 45% even with hooks, understanding this will instantly give you at least a 20% increase in power,you also don't gain any power at all from rotating the fist last minute in MMA gloves,in fact this way of striking also stops you from hitting with the inside of the knuckle and greatly increases the chances of a "boxers fracture" as your thowing your fist out pinky finger first,the wrist position stays the same place,because there's only one position that the wrist is at its strongest,its the elbow position that changes,add this to the internal training and id say your looking at about a 30% increase in power,speed and precision when punching in MMA gloves with less chance of a fracture on top of that, however hard or fast you already hit in fixed thumb boxing will see a significant difference in every punch you throw and that's Guaranteed if you train with me

for details contact me here


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